Vinyl Tattoo
For the Vinyl Project I began by sketching out ideas. I knew I wanted to place the design on a friends Bible, which meant I wanted it to have significance to her. I wanted the design to reflect what I saw in her and feature some things that she loves. To the left you will see my sketches I drew as inspiration for my project the top picture features what was going to be displayed on the front of the Bible and the bottom is the back. Everything in the design has significance and meaning. I wanted the tree and roots to represent the strength and growth of my friend. The sunflowers, her favorite flowers, each represent something different. The three on the front represent the trinity, and the one on the back represents my friend. I was beyond ecstatic to make this for my friend. However, I was even more ecstatic with how much I enjoyed making it and the ways it inspired me to want to continue to make vinyl work.
With my sketches done the process of completing the project in Rhino wasn't going to be hard. I began by taking a picture of my sketches and tracing them to give myself the desired shapes and outlines. My biggest struggle was learning how to properly use the snaps. Because I didn't begin using the snaps correctly when I finished drawing, I wasn't able to join what I was drawing. However, once I caught my mistake I was able to customize and complete my piece. I think my biggest mistake was how small I made the offset around my drawings. In Rhino it looked correct, however, if I had it to do again I would make the offset around the design bigger to not only contribute to the overall piece, but to also make it easier on myself when trying to weed out the vinyl.
Here is the final design layered ready to cut.
I chose to cut the tree and roots in a bronze vinyl and weed out the inside to make it look like the outline of the tree was visible on the Bible. I also only used the outline for the inside on the sunflowers, which were auburn, and the leaf type shapes, which were green. The sunflowers, of course were cut in yellow and placed on the Bible along with everything else to complete the design.
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